
Tapfest 2016

On 30th August 2016, 13 students of classes III-XII participated in Tapsfest 2016, which was based on the theme, 'Avant Garde - Rediscover the Ordinary'. The fest was held at the Army Public School, Dhaula Kuan. It drew about 2,500 students from 44 schools, who participated in 27 different competitions!

The theme aimed to ignite creativity, innovation and originality in the areas of visual, musical and the literary arts, to provide students with an opportunity to think unconventionally - from a de novo perspective; to see what everyone has seen, but think like no one else has thought.

Activities for the juniors ranged from role plays to cook-offs in which students gave a twist to ordinary dishes; and from painting masks and bottles in an innovative way; narrating stories using the fingertips, etc. In short, students were offered a rich opportunity to showcase their creativity.

For the seniors there were activities such as quirky mad-ads, a Shakespearean connexus, where Romeo meets Cleopatra, not Juliet, and magical art where melody meets the canvas. Others such as Black poetry, quizzes, movie mashups, musical face-offs and Gond art gave a completely new dimension to the accepted forms of arts. In essence, students were encouraged to look at things not for what they are, but for what they can be.

Ms. Priya Abrol.