
The River on Song, Report on music excursion

An unusual evening excursion was organised by our School on 17 November, 2011. 18 students from across classes 6 to 9 accompanied by teachers and PTA member, Mrs. Mona Sachdeva. We assembled at 7 pm near at Golden Jubilee Park, near the Old Yamuna Bridge for a programme to celebrate, as it were, the River. An idea that emanated from a similar effort for the River Elbe in Germany, this too was an effort to restore. To recreate and renew respect for the Yamuna through the arts, namely, painting and music, both vocal and instrumental. Our children were invited to listen to semi-classical vocal music by Ms. Vidya Shah. The music enhanced by the ambience of the water charmed the young listeners. The circular setting with bags of sand in an amphitheatre-type formation was the seating for the audience and Ms. Shah and her accompanyists were placed in the centre. The river passed close as Ms. Shah sang Thumri, Dadra, Kajri, Hori amongst several others continuously incorporating referances to the water. The accompanying instrumentalists also effortlessly integrated sound that recreated the gush, the still and the slipping of the river's water. Quite magically, the chuff of a passing train on the flyover nearby, too merged, to add a busy beat to the flowing music. One of our teachers Mr. Rajeev Massey could not help remarking, " I was drawn close to the elements, the water, the sand and the night sky as the notes climbed quickly heavenward." " Who said music isn't Worship?" he exclaimed! The students were escorted by teachers, Ms. Gandharvi Mukherjee, Mr. Ashish Ahuja and Mr. Rajeev Massey.