
UNICEF workshop ' Seven Milestones of a Childs Life

The students of classes X and XI attended a workshop organised by UNICEF titled the Seven Milestones of a Childs Life on 19th December 2016. UNICEF provides humanitarian assistance to children and mothers in developing countries and this workshop was a part of the celebrations to commemorate 70 years of its existence (1946-2016).

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Before the workshop began, the students were shown a video of the transition of UNICEF from a small fund during independence to the organisation that it is today. The speakers in the panel were Mr. Louis George, Ms. Ghazala Amin,( representatives of UNICEF, India), Ms. Kalpana Vishwakarma, Ms. Sumajita Chakraborty, Dr. H.P.S Sachdev, Ms. Najma Nikhat, Dr. Shamda Sinha and Ms. Sudha Varghese. The UNICEF representatives spoke extensively about the support extended by UNICEF, India from the time the White Revolution took place in 1954 to the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in 2015. Ms. Kalpana Vishwakarma, a social worker in Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh, talked about the struggles of children in villages there and emphasised the importance of mothers milk as the main source of nutrition for infants. Ms. Sumanjita Chakraborty highlighted how factors like family planning and maternal care have led to a decrease in child mortality rates by 11%.

The other speakers talked about community mobilisation and the importance of education in the prevention of child marriages and other social evils.

The workshop provided some valuable insights to our students and was definitely, worth attending.

Ritwika Dasgupta (XI-D).