
Workshop on using computers for more effective classroom learning

A workshop on computers and how to use them effectively in the classroom was conducted on 17th December 2016 at the Park Plaza Hotel in Shahdara. The resource person on the occasion was Mr. Dheeraj Bhatia, one of the founder members of Kips India Pvt. Ltd. To his credit are more than 100 orientation programmes designed especially for professionals and teachers.

The session was divided into three parts. He started by introducing the group to Kips India which has published about 3 million books in use by 5000 schools! Kips is the only publisher which deals solely with the publication of computer books.

In the first phase of the workshop, Mr. Bhatia described what teachers can do to make teaching more effective. The use of visual tools as it has a long lasting impact on the learners mind. Teaching should be application based and include greater involvement of the students with the teacher. Learning should be associated with day to day real life experiences. Showing inspiring videos to tie the students' attention and to develop moral values. Making the lesson fun.

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In the second phase of the workshop, the speaker explained how computers can be used as a tool to make teaching easier. He introduced some applications to make learning easier and more fun for students. Some of these applications are: Kodu: for developing small mobile apps. Small Basic: a fun and easy way to learn programming Microsoft Educator Network: to prepare subject wise menus

In the third phase, Mr. Bhatia showed how to use technology to improve the quality of learning. He introduced the listeners to a software called ICL (Interactive Class Learning) and also explained how to collaborate with Microsoft and Google in order to obtain certification.

GAFE (Google Apps for Education) is a productivity application that Google offers to schools and educational institutes. Google also provides certificates of Educators, Trainers and Innovators. MCE (Microsoft Certified Educator) certification validates educators with global educator technology literacy

Ms. Suman Chawla, Microsoft Educator interacted with the participants for 45 minutes and shared with them her journey with Microsoft. She suggested the use of the electronic note book for students and teachers and highlighted that it can save paper. She also told the teachers how to avail of the Microsoft online tutorials by visiting their site www.education.microsoft.com.

Mr. Bhatia concluded the session by showing the group some inspiring videos with success stories of computers being used effectively in the classroom. Teachers picked up many tips from the session and we hope to convert and make this kind of teaching a daily practise.

Ms. Tavleen Singh.