Citizenship Programme- Talk by Indias first lady bodyguard
On 2 February, 2019, students on classes 8,9 and 10 got an opportunity to listen to Ms. Veena Gupta who, as India’s First Lady bodyguard, shared her journey. She explained how she broke stereotypes and fought gender inequality in a male dominated profession.
Ms. Gupta was accompanied by Mr. Sanjay Singh, a 7 time gold medallist in the World Wrestling Championship. A short introduction on Ms. Gupta was followed by some simple tips on self defence like the following.
-a quick warm up with the help of aerobics;
-posture while walking – students walk on the road with their heads down because they are texting or playing games. They were advised the dangers of this and were cautioned to be alert specially when walking near fast moving traffic;

- simple self defense postures – simple aspects of body language were demonstrated to the students which can help when one feels threatened in an unfamiliar environment;
-students and teachers were advised to remember to always walk on the pavement facing moving traffic, so as to immediately notice any purse/chain snatchers. In short, never walk in the same direction as the moving traffic – always walk against it;
-a short talk on the importance of discipline and good healthy eating habits.
Students and teachers both, actively took part in the demonstrations.
“My security, my responsibility “is the motto of Ms. Gupta’s life. She believes one must take responsibility for one’s personal security and learn to be self-sufficient.
Students presented Ms Gupta with an artwork and a potted plant on behalf of the School, as a token of goodwill.
The assembly was very energized after meeting Ms. Gupta, a real-life lady bodyguard who also likes to call herself “Limitless Veena”….!