Loving our Lions, a conservation talk for classes 6 and 7
Loving our Lions, a conservation talk for classes 6 and 7
As part of the Environment month in July, a talk cum presentation was organised on the topic of Lion Conservation in India. It was presented by an expert in the field, Dr. Diwakar Sharma, Head, Programme Management and Monitoring, WWF-India who has extremely rich experience in this field. The talk was held on 21July 2012 in the AV room.

He spoke about Asiatic lions and the endeavours that are being taken to conserve them. Dr Diwakar discussed about the Geer protected area in Gujarat which is the only natural habitat for Asiatic lions. He spoke about the characteristics of Asiatic lions likeheight, weight, life spans and their scientific names. He also briefed upon us the procedure of counting the lions in the forests. Dr. Diwakar threw light on threats for Asiatic lions under and he discussed man- animal conflict, poaching, genetic bottlenecks etc.

Students found the talk very interestingand informative. They eagerly asked many questions and all the queries were patiently answered by the honourable guest. At the end of the talk, Principal ma'am offered a vote of thanks.
As filed by Ms. Shweta Aggarwal, teacher.